
Publication channels for ICESoS 2019 participants:

Those contributions that will be accepted for presentation in Individual Paper Sessions will be considered in IBU Publications. Submission for publication in scientific journals is optional.

Manuscripts should be proofread and edited to attain the highest standards of international publication in English. The ICESoS 2019 Conference reserves the right to make minor changes to the manuscript’s English to ensure accuracy, consistency and comprehension.

There will be 3 channels for publication in this year’s conference:

  1. An edited book will collect regional economic development papers and will be published by Cambridge Publishing as volume II;
  2. Refereed conference proceedings will be published in the proceeding book of ICESoS 2019. Proceedings book is published after the conference. Conference participants can choose to publish their full-text proceeding papers in this proceeding book. These papers are peer-reviewed therefore authors are responsible to make necessary changes before publication.
  3. Journal Publications: If the authors agree to publish their papers in one of the following journals – JECOSS Journal of Economics and Social Studies  and EJBE Eurasian Journal of Business & Economics , then the papers will be evaluated by the journal editors and taken into review process to be published in the journal. If the article is rejected, then it can be published in the supplementary edition of the conference proceeding book. The full-text conference papers are not allowed to be published in both the proceedings book and the journal.

Journal of Economics and Social Studies
Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics
ICESoS Proceedings Book
Regional Economic Development in the Balkan Region