Edin Halilovic
Keynote Speaker
T The purpose of International Conference on Economic and Social Studies (ICESoS) is to bring researchers and practitioners of various profiles together to discuss issues related to regional economic development particularly in the context of Western Balkan countries.
This year’s conference handles an important aspect of regional economic development for the Balkan region. The central topic of the ICESoS 2019 discussions will be “Digital Economy”. It has become obvious that technological changes occur on daily basis, and are having implications for businesses all around the world. Digitalization of processes in companies is no longer matter of choice, but in many cases it represents the only way to survive in the market. Therefore, it is not surprising that Digital Economy had a significant growth worldwide, positioning itself among important factors of economic growth. Having in mind that along with many benefits of Digital Economy there are many challenges as well, ICESoS'19 will try to contribute by adequate practical and theoretical solutions.